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Create a new product

If you wish to place a new product, then please click on “Create new product” to the left of product overview.

It opens an empty mask.

Step 1: Please fill out at least all of the fields marked with a yellow “i”:

  • Label code (LC) / label name
  • Artist – Name of the artist
  • Title – Title of the product
  • Genre – Selection via Genre browser
  • Release – Release-Date of the CD or product
  • Airdate– Date from which the titles can be played
  • Format – Selection of the media format
  • Artist’s origin – National or international artist

Step 2: Save. It opens other menu items on the right side that enable the product to be completed.

Label code
As billing between ARD and GVL is facilitated via the label code, a label code is recommended at all times. Otherwise one runs the risk that, for this reason, the product will not be noticed by some broadcasters.

Should a label code not be at hand “99999” can be entered for a transitional period. Please remember to change this as soon as the new label code is available.
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