MPN Support Center

Kategorie - Promotion

All info about the promotion of your titles

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Copy product

You can also copy an existing product. Via product menu you activate the item “copy product”. Thus a new product is made out of your old product.

Product overview

In the product overview you can see all the products that you have placed on MPN. This also includes those not yet active, the active ones and the product samplings that have already been ceased.

Track list

Once the product is placed and saved, on the right bar under product presentation other menu items appear, one of which is "Track data".

Create a track list

You can place the track list under the menu item "Track data". After clicking on "Track data" a new page opens. Via "Insert track" you can place a track list of any length.

Artist details

Artist data comprises information on the artist, such as biography and discography, tour dates, promo texts, web links and so on.

Add files

Alongside enabling a text or a link to be inserted you can also upload data yourself at MPN which the editors in turn have made available for download.

Follow up links

In this field you can enter follow up links. Here too you can give the link its own individual characteristics.

Add a text

Here you can enter a text on various subject areas which involve the artist. In order to mark a text out for a certain field, under "title" you can select from the following fields: